Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Calling All Bread Masters

Our Bishop challenged us to live on what we have for two weeks. Our two weeks will be up on Sunday, and we've done pretty well. I rationed eggs and milk and bread.

I did a really good job rationing bread. I did such a good job that it WENT MOLDY!

So I'm bakin' up three lovely loaves in the oven right now. But my homemade bread is only good for toast and French toast. It's delicious, but it's dry.

I need a bread recipe that will make sandwich-friendly bread.

Anyone? Anyone?



  1. SOOOO wish I could help.But I would love the recipe if anyone finds a good one.

  2. I actually added about 1/2 C. ish of honey to the bread that was baking when I posted this, and it made the bread not nearly so dry. I don't know if it's sandwich worthy, but it's a definate improvement. The honey I added wasn't store-bought. A man makes it and sells it himself. I don't know if that's makes a difference.
